







GMAT 小OG –A Bite of GMAT



GMAT小OG, 精选OG真题15道,涵盖所有考试题型和分数段,30分钟做完,后附答案。



Reading Comprehension 

标签:选自GMAT OG2017 372页413题。 500-550分段的送分题。

Scientists long believed that two nerve clusters in the human hypothalamus, called suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCNs), were what controlled our circadian rhythms. Those rhythms are the biological cycles that recur approximately every 24 hours in synchronization with the cycle of sunlight and darkness caused by Earth's rotation. Studies have demonstrated that in some animals, the SCNs control daily fluctuations in blood pressure, body temperature, activity level, and alertness, as well as the nighttime release of the sleep-promoting agent melatonin, Furthermore, cells in the human retina dedicated to transmitting information about light levels to the SCNs have recently been discovered.

Four critical genes governing circadian cycles have been found to be active in every tissue, however, not just the SCNs, of flies, mice, and humans. In addition, when laboratory rats that usually ate at will were fed only once a day, peak activity of a clock gene in their livers shifted by
1 2 hours, whereas the same clock gene in the SCNs remained synchronized with light cycles. While scientists do not dispute the role of the SCNs in controlling core functions such as the regulation of body temperature and blood pressure, scientists now believe that circadian clocks in other organs and tissues may respond to external cues other than light—including temperature changes—that recur regularly every 24 hours.

413. The passage mentions each of the following as a function regulated by the SCNs in some animals EXCEPT
(A) activity level
(B) blood pressure
(C) alertness
(D) vision
(E) temperature


科学家长期以来相信人类的下丘脑中有两个神经簇,叫做SCN, 是控制我们的生理节律的。那些节律是和地球自转导致的阳光和黑暗的周期同步的每24小时重复的生物周期。研究证明在某些动物中,SCN控制每天的血压波动,体温,活动水平,警觉度,和夜晚释放的促进睡眠的介质褪黑素。而且,最近发现了人的视网膜中有细胞专门把光线水平的信息传达到SCN。


413. 这篇文章提到以下每一个功能都是被SCN在某些动物身上所规范的,除了:
A. 活动水平
B. 血压
C. 警觉度
D. 视觉
E. 体温


标签:选自GMAT OG2017 382页 431和433题,在博智小班专区中被提问次数最高 ,两题都属于650-700分数段典型题 

When Jamaican-born social activist Marcus Garvey came to the United States in 1916, he arrived at precisely the right historical moment. What made the moment right was the return of African American soldiers from the First World War in 1918, which created an ideal constituency for someone with Garvey’s message of unity, pride, and improved conditions for African American communities.

Hoping to participate in the traditional American ethos of individual success, many African American people entered the armed forces with enthusiasm, only to find themselves segregated from white troops and subjected to numerous indignities. They returned to a United States that was as segregated as it had been before the war. Considering similar experiences, anthropologist Anthony F. C. Wallace has argued that when a perceptible gap arises between a culture's expectations and the reality of that culture, the resulting tension can inspire a revitalization movement: an organized, conscious effort to construct a culture that fulfills longstanding expectations.
Some scholars(433题定位位置) have argued that Garvey created the consciousness from which he built, in the 1920s, the largest revitalization movement in African American history. But such an argument only tends to obscure the consciousness of identity, strength, and sense of history that already existed in the African American community. Garvey did not create this consciousness; rather, he gave this consciousness its political expression.

431. According to the passage, which of the following contributed to Marcus Garvey's success?
(A) He introduced cultural and historical consciousness to the African American community.
(B) He believed enthusiastically in the traditional American success ethos,
(C) His audience had already formed a consciousness that made it receptive to his message.
(D) His message appealed to critics of African American support for United States military involvement in the First World War.
(E) He supported the movement to protest segregation that had emerged prior to his arrival in the United States.

433. It can be inferred from the passage that the “scholars” mentioned in line 24 believe which of the following to be true?
(A) Revitalization resulted from the political activism of returning African American soldiers following the First World War.
(B) Marcus Garvey had to change a number of prevailing attitudes in order for his mass movement to find a foothold in the United States.
(C) The prevailing sensibility of the African American community provided the foundation of Marcus Garvey’s political appeal.
(D) Marcus Garvey hoped to revitalize consciousness of cultural and historical identity in the African American community.
(E) The goal of the mass movement that Marcus Garvey helped bring into being was to build on the pride and unity among African Americans.


当牙买加出生的社会活动家Marcus Garvey在1916年来到美国的时候,他恰逢一个最对的历史时刻。这个历史时刻对的地方在于非裔美国士兵在1918年从一次世界大战回来,创造了一个理想的选民基础来接收Garvey的关于团结,骄傲,和非裔美国人社区状况改进的信息。

希望参与美国传统的个人成功民族精神,很多非裔美国人带着热情参军,却只是发现他们被和白人军队隔离,遭受大量的侮辱。他们回到了和战前一样种族隔离的美国。考虑到类似的经历,人类学家Anthony F.C. Wallace说当一个文化的预期和现实之间出现了可以察觉的裂缝的时候,导致的矛盾可以启发一个复兴运动:一个有组织的,清醒的努力来建设一个能满足长久以来预期的文化。


431. 根据文章内容,以下哪个选项对Marcus Garvey的成功做出了贡献?
A. 他把文化和历史的意识介绍进非裔美国人的社区
B. 他热烈的相信传统美国成功民族精神
C. 他的听众已经形成了一种意识,这种意识让他们易于接受他的信息
D. 他的信息对那些批评非裔美国人支持美国在第一次世界大战中的军事介入的人有吸引力
E. 他支持了抗议在他来到美国之前就存在的种族隔离状况的运动


433. 从文中推测,24行提到的“学者”会相信以下哪一条为真?
A. 复兴运动是第一次世界大战之后回国的非裔美国士兵的政治行动主义的结果
B. Marcus Garvey需要改变很多主流的观点为了他的民众运动能在美国站住脚跟
C. 非裔美国人社区主流的意识为Marcus Garvey的政治吸引力提供了基础
D. Marcus Garvey希望复兴非裔美国人社区中对于文化和历史身份的意识
E. Marcus Garvey创造的民众运动的目标是为了在非裔美国人中建立骄傲和团结


CR: Critical Reasoning 逻辑

标签:选自GMAT OG2017 517页568题,500-550分段送分题

568. A major network news organization experienced a drop in viewership in the week following the airing of a controversial report on the economy. The network also received a very large number of complaints regarding the report. The network, however, maintains that negative reactions to the report had nothing to do with its loss of viewers.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the networks position?
 (A) The other major network news organizations reported similar reductions in viewership during the same week.
(B) The viewers who registered complaints with the network were regular viewers of the news organization's programs.
(C) Major network news organizations publicly attribute drops in viewership to their own reports only when they receive complaints about those reports.
(D) This was not the first time that this network news organization has aired a controversial report on the economy that has inspired viewers to complain to the network.
(E) Most network news viewers rely on network news broadcasts as their primary source of information regarding the economy.


568. 一个大的新闻广播网机构在播放了一个关于经济的有争议的报道之后的一周,收视率经历了一次下降。该广播网页收到了关于这个报道的大量投诉。该广播网却说,这些对报道的负面反应和它的观众的流失无关。

(B) 向该广播网提交了投诉的观众是该新闻广播网组织节目的常规观众
(C) 大新闻广播网组织只有当他们收到关于一些报道的投诉的时候才会公开的把收视率的下降归咎于他们自己的报道


标签:选自GMAT OG2017 534页627题,属于600-650分数段典型题

627. The difference in average annual income in favor of employees who have college degrees, compared with those who do not have such degrees, doubled between 1980 and 1990. Some analysts have hypothesized that increased competition between employers for employees with college degrees drove up income for such employees.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the explanation described above?
(A) During the 1980s a growing percentage of college graduates, unable to find jobs requiring a college degree, took unskilled jobs.
(B) The average age of all employees increased slightly during the 1980s.
(C) The unemployment rate changed very little throughout most of the 1980s. 
(D)From 1980 to 1990 the difference in average income between employees with advanced degrees and those with bachelor's degrees also increased.
(E) During the 1980s there were some employees with no college degree who earned incomes comparable to the top incomes earned by employees with a college degree.


627. 有大学学位的人和没有大学学位的人相比,平均年收入高出部分,在1980到1990年间翻倍了。有些分析家假设雇主对于有大学学位的雇员的竞争,推高了这些雇员的收入。

A. 1980年代越来越高比例的大学毕业生,因为找不到需要大学学位的工作,接受了那些不需要技能的工作
B. 1980年代雇员的平均年龄有轻微增长
C. 1980年代的失业率基本保持不变
D. 1980-1990有本科以上学位和有本科学位的雇员的平均收入之间的差别也增加了
E. 1980年代有些没有大学学位的雇员能够挣到有大学学位的雇员最高收入水平的收入


标签:选自GMAT OG2017 542页 654题,属于650-700分数段典型题 在博智小班专区被提问次数最高

654. Although the discount stores in Goreville's central shopping district are expected to close within five years as a result of competition from a SpendLess discount department store that just opened, those locations will not stay vacant for long. In the five years since the opening of Colson’s, a non discount department store, a new store has opened at the location of every store in the shopping district that closed because it could not compete with Colson's.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
(A) Many customers of Colson’s are expected to do less shopping there than they did before the SpendLess store opened.
(B) Increasingly, the stores that have opened in the central shopping district since Colson's opened have been discount stores.
(C) At present, the central shopping district has as many stores operating in it as it ever had.
(D) Over the course of the next five years, it is expected that Goreville’s population will grow at a faster rate than it has for the past several decades. 
(E) Many stores in the central shopping district sell types of merchandise that are not available at either SpendLess or Colson's.


654. 尽管Goreville中央购物区的折扣商店预期在五年内都会因为竞争不过最近开的Spendless折扣百货商店而关闭,这些店面不会空置很久。在Colson’s这个非折扣百货商店开业的五年以来,因为竞争不过Colson’s而停业的每一个商店的店面上,都开了新店。

(A) 相比SpendLess店开业以前在Colson’s的消费,很多Colson’s的顾客预期将减少他们在Colson’s的消费
(B) Colson’s开业以后,在中央购物区新开业的店越来越多的是折扣商店
(C) 现在,中央购物区的商店数量和以往一样多
(D) 在未来五年,预期Gorevill的人口增长会比过去几十年增长的要快
(E) 中央商业区的很多商店卖的商品种类在SpendLess和Colson’s都不卖


Sentence Correction 语法

标签:选自GMAT OG2017 682页 669题,属于500-550分数段送分题
669. In her presentation, the head of the Better Business Bureau emphasized that companies should think of the cost of conventions and other similar gatherings as not an expense, but as an investment in networking that will pay dividends. 
(A) as not an expense, but as
(B) as not expense but 
(C) not an expense, rather
(D) not as an expense, but as
(E) not in terms of expense, but 


标签:选自GMAT OG2017 704页 777题,属于600-650分数段典型题
777. According to recent studies comparing the nutritional value of meat from wild animals and meat from domesticated animals, wild animals have less total fat than do livestock fed on grain and more of a kind of fat they think is good for cardiac health. 
(A)wild animals have less total fat than do livestock fed on grain and more of a kind of fat they think is
(B) wild animals have less total fat than livestock fed on grain and more of a kind of fat thought to be
(C) wild animals have less total fat than that of livestock fed on grain and have more fat of a kind thought to be
(D) total fat of wild animals is less than livestock fed on grain and they have more fat of a kind thought to be 
(E) total fat is less in wild animals than that of livestock fed on grain and more of their fat is of a kind they think is 


标签:选自GMAT OG2017 692页 724题 650-700分数段典型题
724. At the end of 2001, motion picture industry representatives said that there were about a million copies of Hollywood movies available online and expected piracy to increase with high-speed Internet connections that become more widely available. 

(A) online and expected piracy to increase with high-speed Internet connections that become more widely available
(B) online and expect the increase of piracy with the wider availability of high-speed Internet connections
(C) online, and they expect more piracy to increase with the wider availability of high-speed Internet connections
(D) online, and that they expect the increase of piracy as high-speed Internet connections would become more widely available
(E) online, and that they expected piracy to increase as high-speed Internet connections became more widely available


1. For a non-negative integer n, if the remainder is 1 when is divided by 3, then which of the following must be true? 
I.   n is greater than zero.
III.  is an integer.  
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. I and III
E. II and III

1. 对于一个非负整数n,如果 被3除余1,以下哪一条必为真?

I. n大于0
III. 为整数

A. 只有 I 为真
B. 只有II 为真
C. 只有I和II为真
D. 只有I 和 III为真
E. 只有II 和III为真



2. Joanna bought only $0.15 stamps and $0.29 stamps.  How many $0.15 stamps did she buy?
(1)  She bought $4.40 worth of stamps.
(2)  She bought an equal number of $0.15 stamps and $0.29 stamps.

·  Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient.
·  Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient.
·  BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient.
·  EACH statement ALONE is sufficient.
·  Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

2. Joanna只买了0.15元面值和0.29元面值的两种邮票,为了判断她买了多少张面值0.15元的邮票,以下条件是否充分?
(1) 她一共买了4.4元的邮票
(2) 她买的0.15元面值和0.29元面值的邮票一样多

A. 条件(1)充分,条件(2)不充分
B. 条件(2)充分,条件(1)不充分
C. 两个条件合并使用则充分,单独使用则都不充分
D. 任一条件单独使用都充分
E. 两个条件合并使用也不充分



3. Bill has a set of a 6 black cards and a set of 6 red cards. Each card has a number from 1 through 6,such that each of the numbers 1 through 6 appears on 1 black card and 1 red card.Bill likes to play a game in which he shuffles all 12 cards,turn over 4 cards,and looks for pairs of cards that have the same value,what is the chance that Bill finds at least one pair of cards that have the same value?

A  8/33
B  62/165
C  17/33
D  103/165
E  25/33

A  8/33
B  62/165
C  17/33
D  103/165
E  25/33

